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There are many different pages of information here, links, resources, posters etc. Looking at Autistic experiences, ADHD, Pathological Demand Avoidance/Pervasive Desire for Autonomy, (PDA), and more. All from a variety of resource areas which I hope you will find useful. Some examples are below.
We continually review and add to these pages so do feel free to regularly check here for updates and new sections. (Do also feel free to get in touch if you think we are missing something that may be useful). Some of the items referenced may include words, phrases and terminology that may have changed since publication. Inclusion here does not indicate an endorsement by ourselves, but we do try and find peer reviewed content.
We have tried to ensure the suitability of content but please do check yourself, especially if they are to be viewed by younger individuals. We have also tried to ensure that all the original authors and those that have copyright to all resources/links etc are shown. If there are any errors please do let us know so we can rectify them.

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